I'm here to activate the awakening of your brilliance so that you can bring your most aligned body of work alive in the world, in intuitive, creative, light-fuelled ways.

I’m also here to be an invitation to deepen your connection with the divine… aka the mysteries of life… nature and our beloved unseen magical beings, especially the dragons.

What’s at the core of all of this? Healing. For businesses, bodies, souls, hearts & minds. So that we can live as the truth of who we are, without apology, without imposter syndrome, without fear.

The world is far from its true frequency and magic.

If you’re on earth right now, you’re part of the restoration project!

You’ve found me because you are an active beacon of light, bringing your brilliance to the old energetics of darkness, which are ready to be transformed into an era of golden possibilities and harmony on earth.

Your every intuitive choice makes a difference.

Your every generous, loving action counts.

Your every contribution to the collective is essential for the wellbeing of all.

Would you love some innovative insights & tools for expanding the essence of your brilliance? Read on…

Contact Lisa for more information

Groundfloor business opportunity available too, if you desire.

Health Revolution ahead... of the best kind!

If you've known me any length of time you'll know for most of my life I was a skinny mini... until menopause, when I turned into a chubby tubby... much to my ongoing disappointment.

Four years, a ridiculous amount of money and a LOT of experiments later, none of which have really made much difference, I've now been introduced to a groundbreaking all natural health product made from hops.

Using a naturally metabolic boosting thermogenic approach, this supplement burns fat AFTER it opens your detox pathways, and improves your digestive function so there's no unwanted 'side effects'.

It burns the toxic brown fat / visceral fat first. This is the same fat that is linked to fatty liver, fertility issues, dementia, the C that no-one wants, and other chronic diseases. Plenty of clinical trials have been done, going back 70 years!

Not only that, there's no dietary restrictions, it's HIGH frequency and stimulates the Vagus nerve to support your nervous system... this is what sealed the deal for me. I can't wait to update you on results!

Current Offerings... (aka Instant Gratification!)

Click the images below to find out more :)

SIGN UP below for my NEW Awakening Brilliance Podcast. It's almost ready for launch.

Just enter your best contact details below and I’ll let you know the moment it's live!

Self Healing Spa Podcast with Lisa Murray

BTW, this glorious connection is just between you and me. I promise your information is safe!


Nurture Your Vision & Awaken Your Brilliance

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