Make 2025 the year NOTHING gets in your way...

Unlimited Mentoring... Unlimited Momentum!

Ever wished you could just chat to your mentor for a quick 15 minutes to get clarity, then keep creating?

Ever wished you could remove the chatterbug in your head that tells you nasty little stories that keep you doubting you?

Ever wished you had someone to hold your heart on the daily as you navigate that big project or life change?

Your wish has arrived!


With Unlimited Momentum Mentoring (UMM), you can have as many one to one mentoring sessions with Lisa Murray as you choose, for a fixed price, over three or six months!

There's only one rule:

Before you book your next Zoom session, you MUST complete the actions agreed in your last mentoring session.

These 15 minute laser sessions are designed for rapid progress and maximum momentum... so you can CREATE at the speed and depth that you know is possible, in the ways that work for YOU.

Over 15 years of creation coaching & energy mentoring has given me an extensive toolbox of simple solutions. I'd love to share them with you!

Each session is focused on identifying 1-2 actionable, specific steps that move you towards the completion of your desired outcome. Think of it as finding your creative mojo!

We also do a 30 Minute Welcome Session to get clear on your focus for the time we work together.

It's convenient. It's efficient. It's creative. It's energising!

* Sessions are available Monday - Thursday (Brisbane, AEST)

* After each session you'll receive the recording, actions & rebooking link.

* If you're procrastinating, bogged down, overwhelmed, or uncertain, we'll do the energy work to clear your path!


* Ramp up your creation capacity - across all your ideas and projects.

* Create or expand upon a specific body of work (I'm brilliant at asking key questions!)

* Create a course, a podcast, a book or other 'unique to you' business offering.

* Launch that beloved creation that's you've hidden for lack of courage or know-how.

* Create the thing that you came here for in this lifetime.

* Develop and implement a visibility or 'finding your voice' strategy.

* Tackle a life project eg developing wellbeing habits, building a veggie garden; clutter cleansing (home, business, your energy...)

* Regenerate your energy (bye bye burnout)

* Delete imposter syndrome through loving, graceful action.

* Write the book that's been floating in your awareness forever...

* Make choices instead of floating endlessly from idea to idea.

What would you love to create? It's possible!!

BTW, if you need to map out something big, like a book or a signature course, then a VIP day may be a better option for you. Ask Lisa about this!

Also, these are not primarily 'mindset' or energy healing sessions. Unlimited Momentum Mentoring is primarily focused on aligned physical creation, with energetic support available when relevant to your creation targets.


Ready to develop your unique body of work?


3 MONTHS :: $1750 AUD (approx $1100 USD)

* Best for a project or creation you want to finish like yesterday!

* Best for smaller projects and creations.

* Best if you want to try out this kind of laser mentoring before committing more boldly.

6 MONTHS :: $2750 AUD (approx $1715 USD)

* Best if you have a big project or multiple projects you want momentum on.

* Best if you have ups and downs in your energy (flexibility is key) or have life events happening that will take you out for a week here and there.

BONUSES (included for both packages)

* Two 90 minute co-working 'finishathons' each month where we focus on getting things done (group events)

* A private podcast where I'll talk about all the energetics behind intuitive creation and generating momentum. Reignite your love of creating!

Offer Excludes: 'done for you' work; tech support; deep strategy work; energy clearing except where specifically relevant to the creation you are focused on.

$1750 AUD
(Approx $1100 USD / 1050 EUR as at 20 Dec 2024)

$2750 AUD
(Approx $1715 USD / 1650 EUR as at 20 Dec 2024)

*Please note that sessions will start w/c 20 January 2025 unless personalised arrangements are made.
Please let me know if you prefer to have your Welcome Session earlier :)
You must start your sessions within 30 days of payment.

What People Say...

Anna Laura - Architect, Italy

"A conversation with Lisa, even at a distance, is worth more than 100 sessions of psychotherapy. 

A profound, transformational experience with unimaginable benefits."

Megan Walrod, USA

"Lisa, I wanted to let you know that within a week and a half of our session I received over $3k from new clients.

And there's been two other big clients knocking on my door for projects.”

Petra Siemers, Netherlands

"Lisa is someone who comes to the core quickly and easily and expresses things beautifully and clearly. 

You can not lead yourself around the garden in her presence!"


Lisa Murray is the Australian founder of Creative Alchemi™, a thriving international business which invites you to nurture your ideas into life with ease and get off the merry-go-round of ‘should’ by making choice a priority.  An MBA qualified business & creativity coach, Lisa’s vision is to make living into a playful, satisfying adventure rather than a predictable daily grind. 

Lisa is the author of ‘Stop Waiting, Start Creating’ & 'Living Beyond Burnout’. She inspires entrepreneurs, change-leaders and creatives to embrace the blossoming of their vision in creating greater futures.  Lisa has launched and facilitated over 150 events, courses, classes and other creations and created a 7 figure business in one year (in a partnership). You're in good hands!

Before you go, SIGN UP below for my NEW Awakening Brilliance Podcast. It's here!

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Self Healing Spa Podcast with Lisa Murray

BTW, this glorious connection is just between you and me. I promise your information is safe!


Nurture Your Vision & Awaken Your Brilliance

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