Imagine identifying the optimum frequencies of cells, tissues and organs in your body, and restoring them to balance and harmony...

Introducing the Solex AO Scan mobile device.

Activate Self-Healing With Daily Frequency Support

How does the Solex AO Body & Energy Scanner work?

  • Using scalar energy, AO Scan technology reads and interprets energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance signals, so that you know what's occurring in your body and energy field.

  • You can identify variances to your original blueprint by scanning and measuring thousands of frequencies in just a few minutes a day.

  • Using noise-canceling technology, the AO Scan emits opposing frequencies that disable chaotic dissonance, so that your body can be optimised for self-healing by recalibrating to the original correct frequency of each element.

    Watch the video below for more information...

What can the Solex AO Scanner do?

Think of it as a wellness centre in your pocket! There are many different types of scans within the system and every home/family can benefit from these amazing self-healing frequency activations. Over 120,000 different frequencies have been activated in the scanner.

  • You can scan and make tailored frequency playlists for people, animals, your home, car, even your business!

  • You can make homeopathic and flower remedies .

  • You can scan your voice to identify and optimise emotional imbalances.

1. Inner Voice Scan

Are you aware your voice has over 10,000 tones that give subtle cues as to your current energetic state?

The Inner Voice scan uses sound harmonising techniques to generate a balancing audio frequency to optimise your organs and their associated emotions.

When you scan a 12 second voice clip the device analyses your voice and identifies the notes that are in and out of range. It then generates 4 MP3's that are delivered to your email. You can listen to these as many times as you like to create balanced wellbeing.

2. Vitals Scan

The Vitals Scan is an energetic snapshot of your bio-frequencies, compared with over 750,000 ideal blueprint frequencies to highlight variances. Opposite frequencies are emitted to help optimize your body back towards homeostasis.

This scan generates a mind blowing 24 page data report consisting of: blood markers, chakras, gastrointestinal markers, meridian lines, nutritional report (mineral, vitamin, amino acid and enzymes), physical functionality (bone, muscle, brain, cardiovascular health, hormone, immunity, and organ health), toxicities report (allergies, fungus, bacteria, heavy metals, mold), pathogen report (viruses, bacteria, Lyme and co-infections, parasites)

3. Body Systems Scan

The Body Systems scan performs a complete and thorough scan and optimization of hundreds of Blueprint Frequencies associated with 13 body systems.

You can choose just a couple or the entire list of body systems eg: circulatory, connective tissue, digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, sensory nervous, Integumentary (skin & hair), urinary, chromosomes, human cell and mitochondria and hormones.

This scan complements the results provided in the Vitals and Comprehensive scan. This scan very helpfully offers very specific recommendations to optimize your health.

4. Comprehensive Scan

The Comprehensive Scan performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes. You can also customise this scan, adding in any areas you desire to focus on.

The scan provides a graphical report displaying variances from blueprint homeostasis ranging from 1 to 9.

5. SEFI - Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter

SEFI is brilliant! This technology can capture, amplify or imprint frequencies which can be broadcast to an individual or imprinted into an object.

SEFI includes frequencies for:

  • Physical functions such as migraine,

  • Affirmations such as stress free, abundance, success etc;

  • Flowers similar to Bach flowers,

  • Chakras,

  • Homeopathy extracted from flowers and other natural elements.

    Yes! You can imprint flower essences and homeopathy into sugar pills, water, oils or jewellery. Alcohol free, as you need them!

6. Quick Scan

Quick Scan is my daily go-to... morning, noon & night! In just over ten seconds it scans the essentials so you can harmonise your emotional state and take only the supplements you need. It plays your lowest frequency for three minutes to rebalance your emotions.

Some energetic frequencies are already uploaded ready for imprint and you can imprint all of your own supplements, drinks, movement (anything you like!)

This is where you can scan your pets, business etc. You can also clear and shield your aura or use one of the preset 3 Minute Boosts: Super Charger, Focus, Relax (for meditation), Grounding & NeuroAerobics.

Quick Scan is great for a quick change of energy!

7. AO MindSync

If your self-talk is mostly negative or, like most people, 95% of your thoughts are repetitive, Solex AO MindSync is a tool that sidesteps your mind barriers by delivering affirmations in your own voice, using a binaural process.

The binaural process combines different auditory information presented to each ear. In MindSync, the auditory difference is 8Hz in each ear; this creates a third message in the centre of the brain that supersedes the subconscious barrier so that the brain can recognise your words as true.

You can use the affirmations provided, or you can customise your own. You can adjust the music and voice levels and the offset Hz. You can save these affirmation soundtracks and play them on repeat/overnight. Best used with headphones or the Solex Transducer.

Is it time to support your wellbeing with frequency alchemy?

There's so much more... Experience the Solex AO Scan for yourself!

SEFI Group

Inner Voice 30 Day Reset

Personalised Program

Get Your Own AO BioResonance Scanner

Complimentary AO Scan

(Limit 1 per person. Conditions Apply)

The Creation of Solex

Lisa Murray - Let Go & Flow

Hi! Lisa Murray here, creator and founder of Creative Alchemi™.

I've been facilitating and guiding intuitive and energy alchemy practices for over fifteen years. I am the author of 'Stop Waiting, Start Creating' and 'Living Beyond Burnout' and I've facilitated creative wellbeing events in 15+ countries.

I love frequency devices and am an Australian stockist for iTeraCare frequency devices and a reseller for Solex AO.

My fave Solex AO scans are Inner Voice, MindSync and the SEFI playlists. It's as close to an instant reset in your pocket that I've yet found!

I'm so delighted I can work on multiple situations at once by using the AO bioresonance scanner. Right now I'm focused on adrenals, hormones, mindset, my cellular health and more. It truly is a tool for mind, body and soul!

Also, did you know you can scan in all your supplements, drinks, fave self care actions, and the AO Scanner will tell you which ones you need most? SO amazing! (I do this morning, noon & night!)

The Solex AO BioResonance Scanner is for you if...

* You're seeking frequency support for healing and wellbeing.

* You're seeking to expand the frequency and resonance of your cells, your energy fields, your home, business or pets.

* You're ready to hold clear in energetic alignment to your creations.

* You're open to new ways of activating self-healing.

* You want to be able to support friends, family and clients with self-healing. It's great for practitioners too!

* You KNOW frequency medicine is the future of holistic wellbeing

* You'd love another income stream and you enjoy supporting people on their wellbeing journey. (Creating a business is optional.)

Will you allow frequency alchemy to support you?

AO Scan is not a medical device and does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Nurture Your Vision & Awaken Your Brilliance

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