Imagine losing excess (bad) fat while your body

supports your gut and your nervous system...

Introducing pHix... a 100% natural fat burner

with no known side effects!

Activate Your Skinny With a Daily Dose of pHix!

How does this tasteless liquid supplement work?

  • 2 serves a day in any drink if you want to burn more than 10kg of bad fat.

  • 1 serve a day in any drink if you plan to burn less than 10kg of visceral fat.

  • That's it... it's SO easy! Each serve gives you up to 9.5 hours of thermogenic fat burning action (without needing an ice bath!)

    Watch the video below for a naturopath's view on how the body uses it...

What if you never had to diet again?

If you want to lose your stubborn meno belly, or uncover the six pack that you know is under that layer of visceral fat that just won't shift, or you are just seeking overall 'bad' fat decrease so your body functions better, you'll love that this product is 100% natural...

AND there's...

* no ’75 Hard’ or boot camps

* no crash diets (or any kind of diet!)

* no intense detox protocols

* no exercise requirements

* no ice baths needed to create thermogenesis

* no fasting

* no GMO (the company grows, manufactures and distributes!)

Most importantly... there's no known side effects…

This supplement is a unicorn… it supports your digestive function and nervous system as it burns your excess 'bad' fat.

The secret behind pHix’s fat burning potential is Adaphyte™, a patent-pending ingredient derived from a proprietary blend of Mature Hops Extracts from the hops flower.

pHix helps crank up your body’s thermostat so that your metabolism has the ability to burn all caloric intake equally!

1. Introduction to pHix

What if you never had to diet again?

What if you could burn fat while eating and drinking whatever you like?

It's possible! Watch the video to find out more.

2. How It Works - Doctors Roundtable

Long, but definitely worth a listen if you like to know all the things. Start 9 mins in if you want to get to the point :)

Be aware that these are very specific hops extracts - not the ones that have been readily available for a long time, so the general research on hops may not be applicable.

3. Testimonials

This is a new to market product with years of clinical trials. These testimonials are subject to the disclaimer below.

pHix is a 100% natural supplement and does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

4. Science Review with Dr Ben

Dr Ben is a functional medicine doctor who explains more of the science and the experiences he is having in his practice with clients.

This product is attracting the interest of doctors, pharmacists, natural health practitioners because it is all natural with no known side effects.


What is the refund policy?

MPGXtreme LLC proudly stands behind its products with a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee for any unopened products purchased by retail or preferred customers through the MPGXtreme corporate website! Please see the full refund policy here.

What is the cost?

Initially you must set up a distributor account (no retail accounts except in the USA currently).

$9.99 - $29.99 USD for membership account set up.

$199.99 USD for supply of 72 serves (snaps).
PLUS shipping and taxes.

After the first month you can choose the quantity you desire to order via your membership account, starting at $79.99 USD for 30 serves (snaps).

There is an Australian warehouse coming but it's not set up yet.

Which countries is pHix available in?

pHix is on a big and fast expansion due to demand. If you go to this link and click the flag in the top right corner, you will see all available countries. 

They are working with the regulations in each country to make the product available as fast as possible. If your country is not listed it won't be too long until it's available.

Can I create a business with pHix?

YES! We have a fantastic team, with a great training portal and you will love the ease of creation! This is a ground floor opportunity (as at 24 August 2024).

All you need is an account and an initial product order to get started.

If you are in a country that hasn't opened yet, you can get a position in the tree using other products that pHix's parent company offer. Contact Lisa for more details on this.

Comp Plan Overview:

Building Residual Masterclass: 

We have asked for better resources to explain the comp plan - this is what's available currently.

Weekly payout for commissions.

You receive around $40-50 USD per order, depending on order volume and which level you are at. There are 7 ways to earn, including team bonuses.

I paid for my initial expenses with five people signed up before my product even arrived. (These results will vary depending on your connections and relationships).

What is the company behind pHix?

XtremeMPG have 20+ years experience in manufacturing for the pharma industry. They have unique technology which keeps this natural product fresh.

Private company, no debt, 100% non GMO, they own their own farms and are the manufacturer and packager. 

Adaphyte™ (unique hops extract) is patent pending. There is nothing like this product on the market.

How can I order pHix now?

To order your product / set up your account:

Please go to this link and follow the instructions. Change the flag on top right of page to your country. 

What are the ingredients?

Active ingredient: Hops Flower (Adaphyte™) - 120mg. (100% natural, gmo free)

There are also two preservatives used to keep the product fresh. They are used in minuscule amounts and don’t legally need to be listed but they are being transparent.  

1. Nisin - natural preservative fermented from lactococcus lactus - beneficial up to 250mg per kg. Safe with pregnancy.

2. Sodium Metabisulphite - recognised as safe up to 10-2000mg per kg. Acts as an antioxidant.  Decrease your heavy metals if any reaction.

No GMO. No Gluten. No coffee or stimulants.

FAQ image

What is Adaphyte?

Adaphyte is the specific extract from mature hops that is used in pHix. In technical terms, Adaphyte is a patent-pending extract of hops containing alpha-acid oxides and other extracts. It induces thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) via specific gtargeting of PGC-1 alpha expression in BAT, mediated by the beta-adrenergic signaling cascade via BAT-SNA activation.

In lay terms, Adaphyte causes increased metabolism in brown fat tissue as fuel, burning it up. A 12 weeks tudy showed up to 60% - 100% greater fat loss for adults including Adaphyte in their diet compared to the control group. The novelty of Adaphyte is that it is easy to consume, you can add it to any beverage.

Adaphyte has a neutral ph and is bioavailable. It it not like other hops extracts so please do not compare it as it works differently.

Adaphyte is different from prescription drugs because it is made from all natural ingredients It has no observed side effects, does not contain caffeine or any other stimulant and is gluten free. It is safe, effective and plant derived.

Where Does Adaphyte™ Come From?
Mature Hope Extracts and Mature Hops Bitter Acids have been used for centuries and are now widely known to offer many health benefits. Adaphyte is a unique isolated extract of hops that has never been used in any form of nutritional supplement. It is significantly more potent, bio-available and effec- tive that the other forms of Hops known and studied for decades.

FAQ image

Are there studies available?

Yes, in the training portal there is a list of studies you can explore. Here's one:

Matured hop extract (MHE) reduces body fat in healthy overweight humans: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study

Is pHix tested?

Although the supplement is 'new', it actually has a 70 year history of clinical trials.

When first discovered in 1953, it was prohibitively expensive to manufacture so it couldn't be made available (think $1million to produce 1 gallon!!) 

It's only now (2024) that a scientist had an aha moment on how to manufacture it at an affordable price so that we can enjoy the benefits! 

The pHix manufacturers grow, manufacture and distribute the product themselves. It is a proprietary extract standardised to a specific potency that is much greater in its effects than the original product.

What is 'bad' fat / visceral fat?

WHAT IS VISCERAL BODY FAT? Visceral body fat, also known as ‘toxic’ fat, is fat stored deep inside your body.

Most fat is stored underneath the skin and is known as subcutaneous fat. This is the fat that is visible and that you can feel.

The rest of the fat in the body is stored around your internal organs, including your heart, liver and intestines.

This is visceral fat which makes chemicals and hormones that can be toxic to the body. It produces more of these toxic substances than subcutaneous fat, so it can be more harmful to your health and carries a range of health risks for everyone.

Having visceral fat in the belly is a sign of metabolic syndrome, a collection of high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and insulin resistance. Together, these increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Having too much visceral fat in the belly is also linked to a higher risk of:: Dementia; Cancer; Asthma; Fertility problems; Lower back pain; Osteoarthritis.

Your risk of chronic disease is higher if your waist circumference is greater than 80cm for females and 94cm for males.

Fatty Liver Disease.
About 1 in 3 Australian adults have fatty liver disease. It means too much fat has built up in the liver. Fatty liver can be caused by problems with how your liver processes what you eat and drink (your metabolism), too much alcohol or a virus infection. Liver damage can gradually get worse and cause serious problems like cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer and heart problems. pHix enhances metabolism – as it burns visceral fat, it will also go after other problems.

It helps break down the food as you eat it, so you can absorb more nutrients. It also helps peristalsis and moving waste through the body. It will help the pancreas, gall bladder and small intestines work together. It helps with neurotransmitters – anxiety.

The cardiovascular system benefits as it breaks down fats. Pancreatic peptides help to break down fat and protein. If you can’t get rid of toxins in the body, they go into your visceral fat.

Taking pHix is a journey of repair of the body. It re-organises every- thing that had been disrupted, bringing it back to homeostasis. As we get older the mechanics in our body slow down. It will affect each body differently depending on the fires that need to be put out.

If you are inflamed it will need to put out the fires. If you have hormone, kidney or gall bladder problems it will be more restorative and the body might take time where it’s safe to lose the fat. It is more exciting than just burning fat – to force the body to lose weight can be unhealthy if our organs aren’t functioning properly.

Lisa Murray - Let Go & Flow

Hi! Lisa Murray here, creator and founder of Creative Alchemi™.

I've been facilitating and guiding intuitive and energy alchemy practices for over fifteen years. I am the author of 'Stop Waiting, Start Creating' and 'Living Beyond Burnout.' I've facilitated creative wellbeing events in 15+ countries and have two podcasts: 'Awakening Brilliance' + 'Beauty & The Deep'.

I love exploring natural frequency wellbeing and am an Australian stockist for iTeraCare frequency devices, a reseller for Solex AO and a pHix independent distributor. I love bringing people together around quantum wellbeing themes.

pHix is a 100% natural supplement and does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Please note this page will be updated as more information is available.

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Murray.

Nurture Your Vision & Awaken Your Brilliance

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